Have you noticed how every time you make a plan for your life, everything changes? Things are going smoothly, so I begin planning what I ‘m going to do to further myself in the coming months, and a wrench gets thrown into the works…or 6. Its been a trying year already, but if its taught me anything so far – its to let go. You need a lot of trust and faith, but nothing beats that feeling of relief knowing that it is out of your hands and you are being led down the path you are meant to go.
The only way I can think to explain it properly is to imagine you’re walking off the edge of a cliff. As you fall, some times slow and gentle, others a speeding screaming dive bomb where you feel you’re going to crash and burn; you still know you won’t touch ground until you’re meant to, and someone is waiting to catch you from your fall. It’s a freeing feeling.
Its scary as all hell letting go and trusting blindly that everything is happening to make you a better person and get you on the path you need to be on, but at the same time I really have not felt as much relief and peace in a very long time, if ever. I know my life is in good hands, if from nothing else, the amazing people who have been introduced into it.